Phone Interview Dos and Don’ts

Jan 14, 2019 | Audigy University

Phone interviews are now commonplace. In fact, we’re surprised when we find out a company isn’t using phone interviews as an initial step in hiring.

They just make sense, both for you and your prospective employer. A 10-minute conversation with someone at the company might be all you need to realize it’s not a good fit for you, or vice versa.

But how do you set yourself apart from other candidates at this critical first step in the process, when they can’t see your engaging smile, your helpful gestures, or your comfortable eye contact?

DO! Prepare Your Time and Space

Preparation time before the interview is crucial, so take that into consideration when scheduling the interview. Make sure both the interview and the preparation time are included when you block out time on your calendar.
You want a quiet space with minimal distractions and no chance for interruptions, so before you even schedule the interview, make sure there is physical space available that allows you to focus 100 percent on the interview.

DON’T! Be Short or Abrupt in Your Answers

This is an opportunity to showcase yourself and your strengths, so provide details and examples when you can. The interviewer wants insight into how you’ve handled relevant situations in previous jobs and the extent of your experience. You’re being given an opportunity — use it to your advantage!

DO! Your Research on the Company and Review the Job Description

Do your homework. If you understand the company and the position, you can tailor your answers to show how your skills and experience align with the company’s mission and the position’s requirements. If they sense you don’t have a basic understanding of what the company does — or even worse, if they think you’re not even sure which company you’re talking to on the phone — it sends the clear message that you’re not really interested in the position.

DON’T! Get Too Relaxed During the Interview

When a recruiter is personable, it increases your chances of relaxing, but don’t get too comfortable! Comfort and confidence can improve your interview performance, but too much can lead to oversharing — do they really need to know exactly why you and your former boss had communication problems? Maintain a high level of professionalism at all times during the interview process.

DO! Send a Thank-You Note

Believe it or not, recruiters actually do like receiving thank-you cards. It shows that you appreciate the time and energy they’re investing in you as a candidate. It’s an easy step that makes you stand out from the other candidates.

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